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What role can ChatGPT play to support your work?

In the simplest terms, ChatGPT is a software program operated by artificial intelligence technology and is capable of answering most of the questions you ask with a high level of accuracy. Not only answering simple questions, ChatGPT has been showing its ability to write poetry, write music, compose music,… even fix programming errors or create websites. Because of these superior capabilities, many businesses have encouraged their employees to use ChatGPT to improve work efficiency. If you are quite new to this technology and don’t know how much it can support your work, take a look at some suggestions from this article! Expert in searching and synthesizing information “Information expert” ChatGPT has the excellent ability to search and synthesize information. If in the past you needed to read and filter information obtained from Google, now, with just one question, ChatGPT will provide you with the fastest, most detailed and focused answer. ChatGPT is even capable of explaining complex answers in simpler, easier-to-understand terms. Not only that, ChatGPT can also help you process data in basic and somewhat tedious and time-consuming steps. It can be said that ChatGPT will help you save time for more creative things. InspectorMany people often compare ChatGPT to an “auditor”, especially in the programming field. Because it can help programmers quickly detect errors in the code they have written. Furthermore, it is also capable of quickly generating lines of code to solve certain coding problems. A TikTok user, @asap_blockie, asked ChatGPT to identify errors in some code he was working on as part of his job. However, there are still many mixed opinions that programmers need to be cautious when receiving help from AI. Because some experts have also discovered the “flaws” of this, with the most obvious evidence being that ChatGPT once answered problems related to encryption incorrectly. Senior business consultantThis A.I app is a useful tool for generating ideas, estimating startup costs, and drafting business plans. From there, entrepreneurs can consider business challenges and strategies. “It can also help entrepreneurs make investment decisions more quickly and accurately,” a senior fellow at the Brooking Institute shared. Even Amazon employees who tested ChatGPT said it did a “very good” job of answering questions around the company’s strategy. “Writing” assistantSome university lecturers encourage students to use ChatGPT to take exams and essays at school. Because it is very useful in generating new ideas – especially suggesting topics for users to write essays – and improving writing ability. Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO of the platform Coursera, told CNN that he uses ChatGPT to write work emails and even speeches. In recent times, more and more people working in the creative industry are choosing to seek inspiration for their writing or music through the help of ChatGPT. “Versatile” secretaryChatGPT can help us schedule and prioritize tasks – in many cases, it can even “accomplish tasks better than humans”. Micah, a YouTuber specializing in making videos exploring AI, said he used ChatGPT to automate his work schedule. ChatGPT has completed performance reports, scheduled meetings, and can even provide an hour-by-hour breakdown of potential schedules in just a few seconds. ConcludeThrough the above article, it can be seen that taking advantage of ChatGPT in particular or artificial intelligence (A.I) in general is the key to helping us invest more time and effort in “creativity”. ChatGPT can be an endless reference resource, but it is people’s thinking, emotions and creativity that are the decisive factors. This is the factor that helps society develop more and more and makes it impossible for people to be replaced by another “force” as people still suspect.

Have you made mistakes after starting running?

Jogging is a favorite sport of many millions of people because of its simplicity, ease of practice and no less effectiveness. Especially in recent times, when gyms are often closed and it is necessary to limit exercise in closed spaces, jogging has become increasingly popular. Running brings many physical and mental benefits. However, people new to jogging easily make the following common mistakes. Let’s overcome them to make your journey to jogging easier and more successful. Jog every dayWhen starting to conquer a new passion like running, it is understandable that you want to practice as much as possible. However, running is a high-intensity activity, experts recommend not running every day. With each step, our feet have to bear pressure from 1.5 to 3 times our body weight. The accumulation of this impact force continuously over a long period of time will create a burden on the lower limbs. Therefore, the body needs time to adapt and recover from injuries. To be safe, we can practice according to the program of the Coach to 5K (C25K) application. It is not necessary to follow this program from the beginning if the practitioner has previous experience, but the rest days of the program have been calculated properly and when following the entire 9-week training schedule, it will bring benefits. Long-term benefits for runners. Choosing the wrong shoesAs mentioned, running is a high-intensity activity. Running shoe manufacturers have spent many years researching and developing materials and manufacturing methods to improve running shoes better and better. However, a common mistake of new runners is not really paying attention to running shoes. Instead, they choose to buy fashionable-looking trainers or gym shoes online. These shoes look like running shoes but are not enough to protect the body from the impact of running. Each person has different foot landing habits when running. Therefore, going to a store that specializes in selling running equipment is very important. Experts will invite buyers to step on the treadmill, analyze running form and advise on suitable shoes. A pair of running shoes is usually not cheap. However, we can still save money by going to the store to try on suitable shoes and waiting until there are deals to buy them, or taking advantage of online shopping deals and choosing to buy designs. of the previous season for a discount. Continuously view reporting metrics as you runNowadays, runners often encourage each other to wear smart watches when running to record reports and analyze metrics for each run. Reported indicators that improve with each run will create a driving force for better running. However, don’t make the mistake of getting too caught up in them. We may have read that a good running pace for the body is about 180 steps/minute or that the ideal heart rate is between 100 – 160 beats/minute. However, as new runners, we should not worry too much about these numbers. The important thing is that we love to exercise regularly and pay attention to exercising moderately. Once again, the C25K program proves to be suitable for beginners, because it focuses on gentle, regular and reasonable training to help runners reach the goal of a comprehensive jog. , no need for breaks during the run, instead of just focusing on beautiful reporting numbers. Download every running app availableAs a new runner, having an app that records and analyzes your workouts is very helpful. However, some people make the mistake of downloading all the famous running apps like Nike Run Club, Map My Run, Strava and Runkeeper… then checking the index of each app, comparing the accuracy. their details, and ask your friends on social networks to give detailed reviews of each app. This is not necessary because each application only provides relative accuracy. If we are new to running, we should use applications according to the C25K program to make training easier and more effective. Additionally, if you want to record information, free apps like Strava are good enough. Comparative mentality or too concerned with evaluationsConnecting with a community of running enthusiasts is great because this helps strengthen passion, create motivation as well as be a source of exchanging practice experiences. However, some new runners make the mistake of constantly comparing running time, running speed, weekly kilometers or any other metric with their running friends. Running is a solitary sport in the mind, where our biggest opponent is ourselves. The main regular challenge is to complete the next running levels. Other than that, other worries or comparisons are just a waste of energy and time. Besides, some runners have too many worries when running. “Am I running too slow?”, “Does my running form look funny?”, “I’m too fat to run!”… are some common concerns. Actually, other runners don’t care as much about any runner as they think. The running community is a very welcoming group of newcomers. Don’t waste time worrying about what others think, instead focus on the goal of running better every day to bring lasting benefits to your health and well-being. Run to lose weightRunning is a great way to burn calories, which in turn can help with weight loss. However, if your goal is simply to lose weight, the “fight” should start in the kitchen first. The basic principle of weight loss is to create a calorie deficit, which means the amount of calories consumed is less than the amount of calories burned as the body burns energy throughout the day. As a simple example, jogging 1 kilometer usually consumes about 70 calories while 1 tablespoon of olive oil contains up to 120 calories. Obviously running 1 kilometer requires a lot of effort while consuming 1 tablespoon of oil is very easy. Therefore, if the goal is to lose weight, running is an important part of the plan, but we should not just focus on running and “forget” our diet. In addition, don’t forget the other great long-term benefits that running brings to your health and spirit. Therefore, jogging should still

Choose the right shoes, you can travel around the world

Shoes are not simply fashion accessories, but they also help protect feet from the risk of injury during daily activities. A pair of shoes that fit your feet will take you around the world. On the contrary, shoes that do not fit properly or are not used for the right purpose can cause abrasions, pain and even spinal damage. Let’s learn with ShoeStyled how to buy shoes that are both beautiful and good for your health! Potential dangers of choosing the wrong shoes that you may not knowWearing the wrong shoes will hurt your spine The task of shoes is to help regulate mechanical forces acting on the feet, thereby reducing foot and back pain. But if shoes are tight on your feet, blood circulation is poor, nerves are constricted, muscles are tight, causing your knee and ankle joints to work more than usual while you move. This will have a negative effect on the pelvis and spine. Therefore, if you wear shoes that do not fit, are a bit tight or are too high, it can damage the “pillar of the body”! High heels: a double-edged sword Someone has said high heels are the best creation in a woman’s fashion wardrobe. That’s right, high heels not only create a graceful, feminine gait, but also help women feel taller, more powerful, and more confident in work and life. However, fashion is not necessarily healthy! Many studies have shown that high heels are the number 1 culprit causing varicose veins, scoliosis, bone pain and muscle pain. Therefore, women should not abuse high heels but should only wear them on special occasions, or important meetings that need to demonstrate the beauty and strength of feminism. Comfortable, comfortable flats, sandals, and sneakers are the most reliable companions for ordinary days, especially on days when you have to walk and move a lot. So how to buy the most beautiful and healthy shoes?When buying shoes, you must try them on and choose them properly to confidently wear beautiful shoes – health-friendly shoes around the world. Please apply the following basic principles that Prudential suggests: Measure foot size If the size of your two feet is slightly different, choose shoes according to the size of the larger foot. You can add insoles to the other shoe for a snug yet comfortable fit. Time to buy shoes Our legs will be larger at night or after exercise than during the day. Therefore, go shopping and try on shoes after exercising or at night. Shoe testing congress Try wearing your new shoes for a few rounds for about 15-20 minutes before deciding to buy. If it’s sports shoes, walk, run, or jump a few times in the store to make sure they are soft and comfortable to move. For shoes used in special situations such as soccer or basketball, you need to bring training equipment when trying on shoes. Put on your shoes and bounce the ball a few times, or do a few jumping jacks to make sure the shoes you’re about to buy can fulfill their role. Of course, please ask the store owner before doing this “shoe fitting convention”! Choose shoes for the right purpose Please “examine” the shoes you like carefully in terms of shoe form/shape, size, color, and whether the shoe sole is sturdy or slippery when moving. And most importantly, are the shoes you intend to buy for their intended use? If you buy shoes to go to a party, don’t choose designs that are too simple, or you can’t choose a pair of 10cm heels to walk every day! Rule of thumb If you choose to buy sports shoes, there is a rule to choose the right shoes for your feet: use your thumb to determine. A suitable pair of shoes will have a distance from the tip of the shoe to the end of the longest toe equal to the length of the thumb. This distance is enough so that even if you wear extra socks, it will not be tight, and there will be room for your toes to move around without being pinched. Limit online shoe purchases Don’t be soft-hearted or gullible in the brand’s introduction or eye-catching design when buying shoes online. When buying shoes, you must try them on first, because each person’s feet have different sizes, shapes, and structures of convex and concave soles. Design is not the deciding factor whether a pair of shoes fits your feet or not.